Welcome to commonnexus’s documentation!

commonnexus presents an attempt to read and write files in the NEXUS file format specified in

Nexus: An Extensible File Format for Systematic Information, Maddison et al. 1997, DOI:10.1093/sysbio/46.4.590

favouring correctness over speed. Thus, commonnexus supports somewhat esoteric features of NEXUS such as comments in words (e.g. Assum[comment]pTIOns), and most of the FORMAT options for a CHARACTERS MATRIX. This is possible, because parsing is based on a proper tokenizer, rather than using regular expressions which typically require assumptions about the format that are not warranted for generic NEXUS.

commonnexus also supports “editing” of NEXUS files by adding, removing or replacing command-level chunks. To do so in a minimally intrusive way - i.e. keeping the formatting of the rest of the file - the tokenized full content of a NEXUS file is kept in memory, which again presents a trade-off that should be kept in mind when deciding on suitability of commonnexus for a task.

Since all of the functionality in this package is informed by the specification, we often quote the spec in documentation in the codebase, where it would be cumbersome to attribute the source each time. Thus, if you use this package (or just its documentation), make sure to cite Maddison et al. 1997


Indices and tables