Source code for

Combine data from multiple NEXUS files and put it in a new one.

The following blocks can be handled:

 - TAXA: Taxa are identified across NEXUS files based on label (not number).
 - CHARACTERS/DATA: Characters are aggregated across NEXUS files (with character labels prefixed,
   for disambiguation).
 - TREES: Trees are (translated and) aggregated across NEXUS files.

import collections

from commonnexus import Nexus
from commonnexus.blocks import Taxa, Trees, Characters


[docs]def combine(*nexus: Nexus, **kw) -> Nexus: """ :param nexus: `Nexus` objects to be combined. :return: A new `Nexus` object with the combined data. """ # Make sure we are only dealing with blocks (and datatypes) that we know how to handle. for nex in nexus: if not kw.get('drop_unsupported', False): assert set(nex.blocks).issubset(SUPPORTED_BLOCKS), \ "Only {} blocks are supported.".format(SUPPORTED_BLOCKS) for block in SUPPORTED_BLOCKS: assert len(nex.blocks.get(block, [])) <= 1 # Determine the superset of taxa. taxa = [] for i, nex in enumerate(nexus, start=1): for taxon in (nex.taxa or []): if taxon not in taxa: taxa.append(taxon) # Create a super-matrix, with all taxa and all characters. matrices, datatypes = [], set() charlabels = collections.defaultdict(list) for i, nex in enumerate(nexus, start=1): if nex.characters: datatypes.add(nex.characters.FORMAT.datatype if nex.characters.FORMAT else 'STANDARD') matrices.append(nex.characters.get_matrix()) for chars in matrices[-1].values(): for charlabel in chars: charlabels[i] = charlabel break if len(datatypes) > 1: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Only CHARACTER or DATA blocks of the same datatype can be combined!') matrix = collections.OrderedDict() if matrices: for taxon in taxa: row = collections.OrderedDict() for i, m in enumerate(matrices, start=1): if taxon in m: for charlabel, val in m[taxon].items(): row['{}.{}'.format(i, charlabel)] = val else: for charlabel in charlabels[i]: row['{}.{}'.format(i, charlabel)] = None matrix[taxon] = row # Add all translated trees. trees = [] for i, nex in enumerate(nexus, start=1): if nex.TREES: for tree in nex.TREES.trees: nwk = nex.TREES.translate(tree) if nex.TREES.TRANSLATE else tree.newick trees.append(('{}.{}'.format(i,, nwk, tree.rooted)) nex = Nexus() if taxa: nex.append_block(Taxa.from_data(taxa)) if matrix: nex.append_block(Characters.from_data(matrix)) if trees: nex.append_block(Trees.from_data(*trees)) return nex